hi all, recently i’ve played some games on my stream. chained echoes is not great… its an rpg designed to be like ffvi and chrono trigger. not… great… sadly… i was expecting to have a pretty good time but jeez., guys. please if any aspiring game devs read this, do NOT put text dumps in your games. PLEASE. nothing turns me off more than three pages of my entire screen filled with text about a game i just opened. STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also having a cheesy spotlight go over a character i literally just met and then info dumping on me about a kingdom i dont give a shit about drives me up the wallll!!!!!!! DONT DO THSI>!
ok now hypnospace outlaw. based on the design of this website, and prior websites i’ve made im sure you can take a guess how i feel about ho (hypnospace outlaw abbreviated LOL). its really good guys. made me ROCL and ROFL. i’m still only a few hours in but the gumshoe movement is killing me its so silly.
opened up my soul today and decided to let out a little bit of my dark fucked up reality and unleashed it onto the world. my fursona has been tainted and shown its true maldextrous self.

i warned you.