me updates!

meow meow its me, its like 5 am at the moment and i realized ive barely talked about me on here lately!!! everyone cares about me. Lately i’ve been having a lot of fun listening to Ween, i enjoy their silly whimsy and fun music. I’ve only listened to Mollusk and Quebec so far, but they have been great &_&. Summer time is nearly over for me, and that means back to college. I’ve got a lot of very difficult classes coming up, but its all in the name of graduating from this shit hole. i cant wait to be done………….

ive also been playing runescape lol. i relapsed hard… there was a solid one year break, i thought id be done forever but gee i was wrong. when im not working on my game im playing runescape, no one truly understands the depth of hitting a rock for like 8 hours straight. i’ve been really really wanting to get into drawing seriously again too, i really miss drawing for the sake of learning and getting crazy good. maybe ill do that >.>. im trying to think of some others things ive done recently… oh yes! i have been wearing makeup out more often now, and a skirt yesterday. skirtactular bro. lol im honestly really struggling, my life has been pretty stagnant. game work, drawing sometimes, runescape. recently ive been getting into rollerskating which has been an overall super fun blast time. I feel so fucking cool while skating, and then charlie will show me a video of me skating and i look like a fucking idiot LOL. i have fun though so its ok….

i’ve been really really needing a trip out of my home state. ive been at the grindstone for no real break for so long ;-;. need a change of scenery or something. i’ve also recently been making a lot of very cool and talented friends through twitter I MEAN X ! it’s been very fun meeting so many cool people, but honestly its pretty exhausting maintaining so many friendships for me ;-;. i feel like if im not constantly checking up things will fizzle out, and that makes me pretty nervous. my kitty is doing pretty good too. overall, ive been enjoying life even if im not at my peak productivity. things have been overall better than theyve ever been, some things are really really bad right now, like my sleep for example. but overall, my position in life is looking pretty solid. things feel good and nice. still lots to improve on though. its kinda funny that I use this blog as my personal diary, but whos gonna read this shit anyways!!! maybe some super freak in like 5 years if i ever make something successful, or its just gonna be knrc / reese haha… hi guys ^_^ (thanks for reading these usually)

thats enough… im so sleepy… beddy bed here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *snorkel dives out of frame*

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